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Writing Samples

I have multi-media writing experience. From  ad scripts, social media captions, campaign idea proposals, weekly mailers, film reviews, event reports, to fiction and non-fiction audio-visual scripts. I have always been inspired by the power words hold while I try to sharpen my skills and 

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Film Reviews

As part of our academic curriculum, we were asked to watch and write reviews on films and the impact it has on our lives.  



For the academic year 2019-2022, I was writer for Symbiosis Center for Media and Communication's official Editorial Board. My job as a writer for the Ed Board was to cover events, guest lectures, campus headlines, interview teachers and students as well as bring original stories to the table.

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Supari Studios

Supari Studios, Post Office Studios and Vitamin Stree are three verticals of Kulfi Collective, a multi-media company based out of Mumbai. I was a social media intern for Supari Studios and Post Office Studios. My job included pitching captions and interactive social media plans, write weekly mailer, post regularly on social media platforms and keep the traction on check. 


Leo Burnett

Leo Burnett is a global advertising agency based out of Chicago, USA. I was part of the creative team for their Mumbai office, where I pitched campaign ideas, wrote television ads, wrote Instagram bios and captions for brands, came up with OOH advertising strategies and conducted general research on brands.



Video Volunteers

My job at Video Volunteers was to interview stringer journalist and update their work and personal bios on the official websites. I contacted around thirty stringers from all over India. Collecting stories and information from the remotest part of the country and giving a voice was the most satisfactory part of this internship.


Work Decks & More

This segment includes various design, research, strategy pitch decks that I designed and worked on over past few years.

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